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Debate: Online Anonymity

February 8 @ 10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST

Tired of heated arguments around the dinner table? Getting bored of the blowhards on TV and social media? Wondering why everyone is yelling and/or crying about the state of everything? Then this is the event for you.

A debate in the Oxford Union style on the matter of anonymity on the internet

The Chamber proposes virtual spaces platforms should require documentation verifying actual identity when users register accounts.

John OConner for the proposition versus Mist in opposition

This will be a rational and measured debate to highlight the pros and cons of each side of the argument. Put away the (figurative) debate brass knuckles and the acrimony to participate in reasoned and civil discourse. Lincoln and Douglas would be proud.

Moderated by Stephen Xootfly


February 8
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM PST


Science Circle Forum


Stephen Gasior
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