Biodiversity, Life on Earth

Your RL Environment

The earth is home to around 10 million described forms of life and biologists estimate the total amount of different species at about 40 million species. Importantly, variation in environment leads to an uneven distribution of these species on the planet. Think of how humans tend to cluster within cities many of which are near […]


Interactive tour of Brodmann’s Brain

Whole Brain Health

Join us for an interactive tour of Brodmann’s Brain! Within this giant cortex we can see and stimulate the fMRI mapped areas which correlate to fear, desire, love, coordination, meditation, speech, and more! This model and others being developed provide a platform for exciting educational opportunities in biology, psychology, and health, behavioral, and social sciences. […]

Biodiversity, Life on Earth

Your RL Environment

The earth is home to around 10 million described forms of life and biologists estimate the total amount of different species at about 40 million species. Importantly, variation in environment leads to an uneven distribution of these species on the planet. Think of how humans tend to cluster within cities many of which are near […]


Space Shuttle Launch/Re-entry and International Space Station

International Spaceflight Museum

"Space Shuttle Launch/Re-entry and International Space Station" at International Spaceflight Museum in SL Title: "Space Shuttle Launch/Re-entry and International Space Station" When? 22th Dec.(Sat) 7 am PST/ 15:00 GMT/ 24:00 JST Where? - Abyss Observatory at Farwell - International Spaceflight Museum in SL Who? Hajime Nishimura, Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC), Yan […]


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