International Observe the Moon Night
International Observe the Moon Night is an invitation to everyone on Earth to learn about the Earth’s moon, the role it has and continues to play in our culture, and our continuing fascination and exploration of it. Plus, we get an opportunity to participate together in a personal and social observation of it worldwide!
—International Observe the Moon Night will be on 1 October in 2022.
This event is held annually in September or October when the moon is in its first quarter, when the moon rises in the evening and shadows from its mountains and craters enhance the three-dimensional nature of this closest planetary body.
The Science Circle will participate this year in a number of ways, and we want YOU to play a part, wherever you are and however way you can. “Observe” can have a variety of meanings!
The following activities are part of The Science Circle’s contribution to International Observe the Moon Night on Saturday, October 1:
—All day. See educational displays in the center of SC Island.
—10 am SLT. “Howling at the Moon” presentation (amphitheater).
—11 am SLT. “Live from the Moon!” livestream event (amphitheater)
—8 pm SLT. “International Space Museum” guided tour
—9 pm SLT. “Luna: The Earth’s Moon” presentation (amphitheater)
EXTRA — SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2nd 9 am SLT. The Sky Around Us: A Planetarium Show
LOOK UP! Be curious again! Come together, worldwide, for one night. Join us!